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Alena Kotzmannová / Pokus o znovunalezení skutečnosti 9788087605455 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Alena Kotzmannová CZ Galerie moderního umění v Hradci Králové 296 2021 23 cm 16,50 cm
450 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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Visual artist Alena Kotzmannová (*1974) created a total of 10 chapters of the series Experiments in 2009-2019, which confront photographs, prints and objects arranged in meaning-making series. Each of the series is based on one found image or object, in which the artist tries to discover a bridge that connects it with images from her own archive, thus exploring the possibilities of connections. She is not looking for what is happening in specific images, but rather in the space between them. She leaves it up to the viewer to decide how to connect the internal links between the images and ultimately relate them to the original motif. Likewise, each of the texts by the authors contributing to this book approaches the chosen chapter in a completely different way, offering in their own way expanded possibilities for reading the visual message in question. In this way, the book interweaves theoretical texts with fictional prose and poetry.

Author Alena Kotzmannová
Language CZ
Publisher Galerie moderního umění v Hradci Králové
Pages 296
Published 2021
Height 23 cm
Width 16,50 cm