Název ISBN Sklad
Architektura reciprocity (CZ) 9788074373183 2
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pavla Melková, Miroslav Cikán KANT CZ, EN 168 2020 16,50 cm 23 cm
750 Kč incl. VAT
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Let's not just ask what the architecture is, but above all what it causes. This is the motto of the book dealing (not only) with architecture in a way that will appeal to each of us. The authors of the publication, who have long focused on the interrelationships of man, the environment and architecture, show the importance of reciprocity, belonging and cooperation not only in the relations of architecture to people and the environment, but also in society in general. They are based on the assumption that the types of connections in which architecture participates and which it creates are based on the same or similar principles as relationships between people or within nature.

It seems that the time is finally coming when it will be a matter of course to evaluate architectural intentions, especially in terms of their impact on the quality of life of society, both today and the future.

Author Pavla Melková, Miroslav Cikán
Publisher KANT
Language CZ, EN
Pages 168
Published 2020
Width 16,50 cm
Height 23 cm