Název ISBN Sklad
Baroque Drawing in Bohemia 9788070353457 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Pavel Preiss Kateřina Hilská National Gallery Prague CZ, EN 204 2006 24 cm 29 cm
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"Baroque drawing in Bohemia has been a lifelong love for Professor Pavel Preiss (born in Prague in 1926), a Czech art historian of European importance. This book is published to commemorate, among other things, he 80th anniversary of a man, who has proved in all his life and work that in the difficult circumstances of the 20th century, which were not actually favourable to intellectual development, it was still possible to achieve outstanding scholarly results, and yet remain a thoroughly decent person. The National Gallery in Prague, where Professor Preiss spent over three decades of his fruitful life, reminds itself of his anniversary with not only a grateful memory, but also with pride of being able to follow his work, the work that is far from complete yet."

Vít Vlnas

Author Pavel Preiss
Translator Kateřina Hilská
Publisher National Gallery Prague
Language CZ, EN
Pages 204
Published 2006
Width 24 cm
Height 29 cm