Název ISBN Sklad
Czech film poster 1931 - 1948 9788087828311 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Jindřich Čeladín CZ, EN Muzeum hlavního města Prahy 172 2017 32 cm 19 cm
360 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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The book is published as a catalog for the exhibition of the same name Czech film poster 1931-1948 in the Museum of the Capital City of Prague, held on 13.12.2017 - 11.3.2018.

In this catalog you will find a comprehensive selection of more than 300 film posters from the rich collections of the Museum of the Capital City of Prague. On the pages of the publication, the reader will get acquainted with the classic form of a film poster, the so-called noodles, which became widespread after the creation of a sound film in the early 1930s. Their popularity has also been helped by the rapidly expanding technology of cheap offset printing. A characteristic feature of the posters was a jigsaw puzzle of several paintings or figures, complemented by large areas of strong colors. These period film posters, which the then professional public did not accept artistically, were above all great advertising products. We only admire their charm and a certain naivety today.
Author Jindřich Čeladín
Language CZ, EN
Publisher Muzeum hlavního města Prahy
Pages 172
Published 2017
Height 32 cm
Width 19 cm