Název ISBN Sklad
Eugen Wiškovský 9788072152667 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Edition Book design Binding type
Vladimír Birgus Derek Paton, Marzia Paton TORST CZ, EN 142 2005 16 cm 18 cm Fototorst Pavel Lev V2
300 Kč incl. VAT
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The oeuvre of the leading Czech avant-garde photographer Eugen Wiškovský (1888–1964) is not large in size or range of topics, yet it is great owing to its originality, depth of ideas, and mastery of form. In his early works, from the late 1920s and early 1930s, in the style of New Objectivity, Wiškovský sought artistically effective forms in apparently nonaesthetic objects.

The oeuvre of the leading Czech avant-garde photographer Eugen Wiškovský (1888–1964) is not large in size or range of topics, yet it is great owing to its originality, depth of ideas, and mastery of form. In his early works, from the late 1920s and early 1930s, in the style of New Objectivity, Wiškovský sought artistically effective forms in apparently nonaesthetic objects. By the use of crops, changing scale, and inventive lighting, he freed them from secondary aspects, allowing the elementary lines of these forms to stand out. He often emphasized potential metaphorical meanings as well. In his dynamic diagonal compositions, Wiškovský was among the most radical practioners of Czech Constructivist photography. Similarly, his landscape work is highly individual, sometimes employing form analogies to accentuate visual symbols. The author of the present publication, Vladimír Birgus, is an historian of photography and head of the Institute of Creative Photography at Silesian University, Opava, in the Czech Republic.

Author Vladimír Birgus
Translator Derek Paton, Marzia Paton
Publisher TORST
Language CZ, EN
Pages 142
Published 2005
Width 16 cm
Height 18 cm
Edition Fototorst
Book design Pavel Lev
Binding type V2