Název ISBN Sklad
Franz Kafka - From the Diaries 8090038522 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Franz Kafka Lubor Machytka František Janás CZ 28 1994 15 cm 22 cm
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Five variants on the topic "How my education ruined me" - this topic was included by the writer at the very beginning of his diaries. The first three versions can be found under the date of July 19, 1910. The publisher Max Brod added the remaining two versions - probably a little later - to the end of his edition behind the travel diaries, without mentioning their origin and time of origin.
Six Etchings - Karol Ondreička.
Issue 17/50

Author Franz Kafka
Translator Lubor Machytka
Publisher František Janás
Language CZ
Pages 28
Published 1994
Width 15 cm
Height 22 cm