Název ISBN Sklad
I já se toulal ulicemi Manhattanu 978807437329 1
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Eva Heyd KANT CZ 368 2020 14,50 cm 23,50 cm
560 Kč incl. VAT
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About the city that never sleeps. But it wasn't always like that.
Accept an invitation to travel back in time to the coordinates of a place once called Mannahatta. The roads are interwoven with the life stories of people who, with their zeal, energy and abilities, shaped its appearance, atmosphere and individuality. The facts and interesting facts about the creation of the metropolis, which became the flagship of the emerging uncompromising capitalism, offer a number of impulses to think about the values of our life and society. Thanks to the unique illustrations, the book is not only a guide for readers who are going to New York, but also an inspiring and visual experience for those who will enjoy traveling through the fates of historical figures and places only in their minds.

Author Eva Heyd
Publisher KANT
Language CZ
Pages 368
Published 2020
Width 14,50 cm
Height 23,50 cm