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Pracoval jsem mnoho - Soupis výtvarného díla Josefa Čapka: Díl třetí - Malba 9788090790865 1
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Pavla Pečinková CZ, EN summary 8smička 856 2023 27,80 cm 20,30 cm
2 599 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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A comprehensive, multilayered and personal artwork by Josef Čapek, bound into four volumes of a collector's series, which are far from standing out among ordinary books on art. This is the first time that Čapek's artwork has been treated in such detail, with care, expertise and unique graphic design. After the first volume, which mapped Čapek's work in free drawing, there is a second volume, devoted to applied drawing, which includes illustration, caricature and scenographic designs. Now the publishing house 8smička has come out with a third volume, the most comprehensive to date, devoted to Čapek's work in the field of painting. The three-volume set contains a detailed catalogue of nearly 700 items with colour previews of individual works, accompanied by full-page reproductions and a monographic study. For the first time ever, Čapek's sketches for his paintings are published in a separate volume. Published in a limited edition of 888 copies, the book is an essential addition to the library of every lover of fine art and admirer of the artistic genius of Josef Čapek.

Author Pavla Pečinková
Language CZ, EN summary
Publisher 8smička
Pages 856
Published 2023
Height 27,80 cm
Width 20,30 cm