Název ISBN Sklad
Jaroslav Kučera: In-Between Images 9788070041741 0
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Kateřina Svatoňová CZ, EN Národní filmový archiv 368 2016 28,20 cm 23,70 cm
790 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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Cinematographer Jaroslav Kučera's Media Practices

This monograph processes still unknown inheritance of a cinematographer Jaroslav Kučera. The book contains theoretical and critical analysis of Kučera's practices as a cinematographer together with a study of his specific creative techniques. It is possible to describe Kučera's "thinking in pictures" as well as compare his personal output with his professional approach – especially thanks to an extensive pictorial material. Based on an analysis of Kučera's filmography the publication tries to cover fundamental artistic practices in film industry in socialistic Czechoslovakia.

Author Kateřina Svatoňová
Language CZ, EN
Publisher Národní filmový archiv
Pages 368
Published 2016
Height 28,20 cm
Width 23,70 cm