Název ISBN Sklad
Jana Šturdíková. Dom 9788087407455 3
Author Book design Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Jana Šturdíková Milan Nedvěd CZ, SK PositiF 164 2023 30,50 cm 22 cm
980 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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Jana Šturdíková spent more than ten years photographing the life of objects in an ordinary functionalist house built in Bratislava by the Jewish architect Alexander Skutecki (1883-1944). From the boiler room to the lightning rod, she searched for original elements in the ten apartments that have survived since the house was built in 1936. She observed how they have changed due to use, how much they have been preserved or replaced. She traces in detail how the great history of the 20th and 21st centuries, typical for the countries of Central Europe - Aryanisation, World War II, nationalisation, restitution - has passed through the house, and how it has been reflected in the seemingly insignificant details that we are used to touching every day. It is this commonplace ordinariness, which we regularly encounter, that shapes our approach to things and our taste.

Author Jana Šturdíková
Book design Milan Nedvěd
Language CZ, SK
Publisher PositiF
Pages 164
Published 2023
Height 30,50 cm
Width 22 cm