Název ISBN Sklad
Janda 9788090793569 0
Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Spolek výtvarných umělců Mánes CZ, EN 344 2022 25 cm 31 cm
1 890 Kč incl. VAT
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This large monograph of the painter Zdeňek Janda captures on 344 pages the work of the author with a special personal style, a certain kind of allegorical surrealism.
In his paintings painted with the technique of the old masters, we find many meanings, symbols and fantasy. In the book you will see pictures including unique and original frames with accompanying texts by the author that complete the story.

Publisher Spolek výtvarných umělců Mánes
Language CZ, EN
Pages 344
Published 2022
Width 25 cm
Height 31 cm