Název ISBN Sklad
Josef Sudek 9788072151820 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Anna Fárová Derek Paton, Marzia Paton TORST CZ, EN 152 2002 16 cm 18 cm
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Josef Sudek (1896–1976), the most important and most famous of Czech photographers, made his best work when middle-aged, having decided to ignore the rules of modern trends. 

Josef Sudek (1896–1976), the most important and most famous of Czech photographers, made his best work when middle-aged, having decided to ignore the rules of modern trends. Whereas his photographs from the time he began his craft till the 1930s are mainly a reflection of the external world, by the 1940s he was returning to himself, finding his own unique creative path. This was the period when he made the famous photos from his studio window and remarkable still lifes, using contact prints of various sizes. Not even the pressures of World War II and the post-war years (including the demands of Socialist Realism) interrupted the continuity of his oeuvre. Instead, Sudek returned to the Pictorialism of his early work, and in a number of his photographs from this period he anticipated the general trend to a post-modern synthesis in photography, becoming a continuous source of inspiration for future generations.

Author Anna Fárová
Translator Derek Paton, Marzia Paton
Publisher TORST
Language CZ, EN
Pages 152
Published 2002
Width 16 cm
Height 18 cm