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Název ISBN Sklad
Karel Trinkewitz - About life 9788087344293 3
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Klára Burianová Museum Kampa CZ, EN 74 2016 23,50 cm 32 cm
Museum Kampa
350 Kč incl. VAT
In stock

Catalog for the exhibition.

Karel Trinkewitz

The aim of Karel Trinkewitz's exhibition at the Kampa Museum was to acquaint Czech society with the artwork of this exceptional personality of the poet, journalist and visual artist, whose name remains unknown in our country for the time being. The exhibition focused on Trinkewitz's collages, objects and works in the spirit of lettrism. The concept of the exhibition clearly clarified the diversity of his approaches to creation in thematic units. Throughout her life, the founder of the Kampa Museum, Meda Mládková, has been collecting art behind the Iron Curtain and, like Trinkewitz, was an official opponent of the communist regime. That is why the exhibition focused not only on the work, but also on the life destiny of the author. He was forced into exile as part of the Asanace action after the signing of Charter 77 by targeted bullying by the State Security. As part of the exhibition, the museum printed a catalog dedicated to the life story and artwork of Karel Trinkewitz.

Author Klára Burianová
Publisher Museum Kampa
Language CZ, EN
Pages 74
Published 2016
Width 23,50 cm
Height 32 cm
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5

Kniha nejen o životě. Koláže a asambláže jsou krásné, autentické a chytré. Každá jeho výstava je velká inspirace a radost.

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