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Když to začalo 0
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Petra Dobruská, Alice Nikitonová (eds.) CZ Academy of Fine Arts, Prague 236 2024 25 cm 19 cm
400 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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The book Když to začalo is a comic book co-authored by Ukrainian artists and students who left the country after the outbreak of war and found a home at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. Each of the authors comes from a different region of Ukraine and therefore has different experiences and backgrounds. What they have in common, however, is the theme of war and their need to express themselves and make their own story heard.

Author Petra Dobruská, Alice Nikitonová (eds.)
Language CZ
Publisher Academy of Fine Arts, Prague
Pages 236
Published 2024
Height 25 cm
Width 19 cm