Název ISBN Sklad
Klára Sedlo: Lami 9788090856707 4
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Klara Sedlo Anna Lodinová Klara Sedlo Studio CZ, EN 84 2022 14 cm 21 cm
349 Kč incl. VAT
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Little Dream Trips is a collection of short stories that unfolds in a similar rhythm to the deepest night dreams. They take the reader into the intuitive world of their own subconscious, where they let it fumble for a while, then take it through absurd experiences and surreal visions containing deep – and not so deep – meanings.

Lami is a story about three unusual friends - a talking skeleton, a man made of light and a young girl who drives a huge old pick-up truck. In it, after all, all three – Harry, Lami and Kira – run away from their pursuer. Without remembering how long, why and who is actually chasing them.
During the journey and short stops, they get to know each other and themselves better and better. Will they be able to keep going, or will a clash be inevitable? And where did Lami actually come from?

Author Klara Sedlo
Translator Anna Lodinová
Publisher Klara Sedlo Studio
Language CZ, EN
Pages 84
Published 2022
Width 14 cm
Height 21 cm