Název ISBN Sklad
László Moholy-Nagy - A New World 9781915989048 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Joyce Tsai EN Annely Juda Fine Art 110 2024 25,60 cm 23 cm
1 290 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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Annely Juda Fine Art presents a major exhibition dedicated to the life and work of Hungarianartist László Moholy-Nagy. In collaboration with the Moholy-Nagy Estate and Galerie Minotaure in Paris, this exhibition spotlights the extraordinary breadth of the artist's artistic career whoseceaseless experimentation and integration of new materials and techniques distinguish him as avisionary proponent of the modern art era. László Moholy-Nagy: A New World offers a profoundinsight into Moholy-Nagy's extraordinary creative curiosity and discipline, tracing his evolutionfrom early figurative oil landscapes in 1917 to the non-objective masterpieces of his later years

Author Joyce Tsai
Language EN
Publisher Annely Juda Fine Art
Pages 110
Published 2024
Height 25,60 cm
Width 23 cm