Název ISBN Sklad
Long Way we Go 9788090196452 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Edition Book design Binding type
Erika Manuš Arbor vitae CZ 282 1998 16 cm 22 cm Out of series Jiří Mědílek V8
173 Kč incl. VAT
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Erika Manuš (PhDr. Mirka Preussová), editor of the anthology Long Way We Go, collected Romany stories with regard to the time perspective. Where do we come from? Who are we? Where do we go? asks Mnauš in the subtitle of the most extensive work on the history and present of Romany people that has been written in the Czech and Slovak ...

Erika Manuš (PhDr. Mirka Preussová), editor of the anthology Long Way We Go, collected Romany stories with regard to the time perspective. Where do we come from? Who are we? Where do we go? asks Mnauš in the subtitle of the most extensive work on the history and present of Romany people that has been written in the Czech and Slovak Republic so far. The book comprises of three parts. The first presents a historical study on Romany people in the Czech lands by a prominent Czech Romany studies scholar Milena Hübschmannová, the second part consists of sixteen portrayals of contemporary Romany artists (J. Bartoš, J. Berky, A. Bohó, T. Červeňák, E. Dančo, F. Demeter, R. Dzurko, D. Fertö, F. Holub, A. Kurej, J. Lakatoš, D. Oláh, E. Oláh, V. Petrášová-Stojková, V. Šarközi, B. Vavreková), whose life stories illustrate the history of the Romany ethnic group in general and thus express an interesting and natural interconnectedness between historical memory and present experience. The text is accompanied by seventy colour and black and white photographs that capture the works of the individual artists. The third part takes the form of a reader comprising of original as well as interpretative texts that reveal the extraordinary richness of Romany poetic and rhetoric art. The book also contains nominal and subject index and the list of referential works which make this book the first and essential source for those interested in Romany culture as well as those concerned with the extensive study of Romany issues.

Author Erika Manuš
Publisher Arbor vitae
Language CZ
Pages 282
Published 1998
Width 16 cm
Height 22 cm
Edition Out of series
Book design Jiří Mědílek
Binding type V8