Název ISBN Sklad
Lost (m)oda 9788055627328 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Zuzana Šidlíková Elena a Paul McCullough Slovart EN, SK 248 2016 21,70 cm 28,60 cm
590 Kč incl. VAT
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Clothing Culture in Slovakia from 1945 to 1989.
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Lost (m)ODE captures more than 40 years of the clothing culture in Czechoslovakia during the socialist era. Post-war clothing design felt the intense pressure of the new ideology, which this book demonstrates with excerpts from daily newspapers and fashion magazines and the esthetic ideas portrayed in unique fashion photographs. This publication also presents individuals who were lost within the anonymous atmosphere of Slovak clothing manufacturs, and interesting stories of designers, editors, models, tailors and photographers and others from the fashion industry. The view of fashion changed with socialist ideology. The word fashion was replaced by the terms dress and apparel. It lost its elitist nature and its social function was changed.

Author Zuzana Šidlíková
Translator Elena a Paul McCullough
Publisher Slovart
Language EN, SK
Pages 248
Published 2016
Width 21,70 cm
Height 28,60 cm