Název ISBN Sklad
Marie Blabolilová: grafika 9788090675421 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Hana Aulická, Jiří Hůla Archiv výtvarného umění CZ, EN 296 2018 21,20 cm 26,70 cm
Archiv výtvarného umění
650 Kč incl. VAT
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The book presents a complete list of graphics by the artist Marie Blabolilová (1948). Chronologically ordered graphic works are reproduced in fixed proportions, with detailed description. The book is accompanied by a text by Jiří Hůla, the book also contains a list of exhibitions and a bibliography.

"It's a strange feeling when I realize that everything in nature - living and non-living - is of the same genus. The universe attracts man and at the same time frightens him with its incomprehensibility. Man tries to feel it, but then he is even more confused. I try to search through my work an order which, I believe, consists of many opposites to the point of "incomprehensible nonsense", but in its sum it gives a whole, which precisely these opposites create a balance and which holds it together." - Trialogue about nature, catalog of the exhibition of the same name, Central Bohemian Museum, Roztoky, 1990

Author Hana Aulická, Jiří Hůla
Publisher Archiv výtvarného umění
Language CZ, EN
Pages 296
Published 2018
Width 21,20 cm
Height 26,70 cm