Název ISBN Sklad
Maxim Velčovský: Everything by 39 9788070272978 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Book design Binding type
Radek Wohlmuth Irma Charvátová Moravská galerie v Brně CZ, EN nepag. 2016 23 cm 30,50 cm Ex Lovers V4
390 Kč incl. VAT
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With Maxim Velčovský's  exhibition of the same title in the Moravian Gallery, the catalogue is a vital part of the project, even more so than usual. One reason is that, like the exhibition, it is by far the most extensive presentation of this iconic designer, and it also has a unique concept closely related to the exhibition space. None of the texts in the catalogue are typeset but, along with the works on display, are photographed as captions in the form of comments on each object at the exhibition. In addition, the texts are on Perspex stands, so some of the shots capture, in a single original image, both written information and the design product behind it. The concept and graphic design of the catalogue are by the Ex Lovers studio, photography by Tomáš Souček, the texts were written by the exhibition curator Radek Wohlmuth. The catalogue is published in Czech and English versions with the print run of 3,000 copies. 


"The exhibition is the catalogue, the catalgue is the exhibition. Imperfection is poetics, a mistake is decoration. The process is the result."

Ex Lovers

Author Radek Wohlmuth
Translator Irma Charvátová
Publisher Moravská galerie v Brně
Language CZ, EN
Pages nepag.
Published 2016
Width 23 cm
Height 30,50 cm
Book design Ex Lovers
Binding type V4