Název ISBN Sklad
Miloslav Chlupáč 8086300099 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Edition Binding type
Jan Kapusta Arbor vitae CZ 230 2000 17 cm 23,50 cm Monographs and Catalogues V4
513 Kč incl. VAT
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The first comprehensive monograph on the outstanding sculptor and painter in the figurative cubist tradition of Czech art. In more than 50 years, Miloslav Chlupáč (1920) has produce an admirable oeuvre. Besides hundreds of paintings and statues he created at least 40 large stone sculptures in the Czech Republic and abroad...

The first comprehensive monograph on the outstanding sculptor and painter in the figurative cubist tradition of Czech art. In more than 50 years, Miloslav Chlupáč (1920) has produce an admirable oeuvre. Besides hundreds of paintings and statues he created at least 40 large stone sculptures in the Czech Republic and abroad. He cooperated with many architects who recognized his talent for monumental figurative and decorative tasks. Chlupáč’s work belongs on the world stage of sculpture. The monograph contains the author’s theoretical and occasional writings that reveal an extraordinary literary talent, erudition and ability to grasp a variety of art and historical subjects. Of special value are his recollections of famous colleagues and symposia. The book contains a detailed biography, factography and a bibliography.

Author Jan Kapusta
Publisher Arbor vitae
Language CZ
Pages 230
Published 2000
Width 17 cm
Height 23,50 cm
Edition Monographs and Catalogues
Binding type V4