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Název ISBN Sklad
Mingei - Lidové umění a řemeslo v Japonsku 9788090857520 17
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Vlasta Winkelhöferová CZ K-A-V-K-A 416 2022 27 cm 20,50 cm
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Japanese folk art (Mingei) is unique in its emphasis on functionality and simplicity. It does not abound in complex patterns and rich colors, as we tend to imagine in this context; the beauty of folk art in Japan lies in its natural, austere and honest approach. For centuries, Japan was closed to foreign influences, and this isolation, together with a remarkable aesthetic sensibility and wide range of unique craft techniques, contributed to the birth of a distinct culture.

Along with the book, KAVKA is producing two sets of ten postcards from old Japan.

The book introduces products characteristic for all the regions of the Japanese archipelago, and focuses on individual types of handicraft from ceramics, textile, wood, bamboo, straw and reeds to handmade paper, lacquer products and folk architecture. Last but not least, it also deals with the influence of mingei on life in modern Japan.

Vlasta Winkelhöferová (1932–2022) was one of the most important Czech Japanologists. In addition to her translations, she also focused on the history of Japanese literature, culture and folklore. As with her other books, the book Mingei – Folk Art and Craft in Japan arose in response to several long-term stays she had the opportunity to experience in Japan. She first traveled there in the late 1950s when old customs, traditions and crafts were still a living part of Japanese daily life. With her own eyes, she experienced the atmosphere of the environment in which folk handicrafts were created. She met folk artists at work in their workshops, spoke to them and collected their work. A large share of her collections thus created later became part of the Asian collection in the Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures in Prague.

Author Vlasta Winkelhöferová
Language CZ
Publisher K-A-V-K-A
Pages 416
Published 2022
Height 27 cm
Width 20,50 cm
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5

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