Název ISBN Sklad
Movement Making Movement 9788963032658 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Yi Soojung, Jung Heera (Eds.) CZ, KR Mmca 140 2021 29,80 cm 21,50 cm
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Presented by the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Korea (MMCA), the exhibition ‘Movement Making Movements’ introduces five artists, all of them 20th-century pioneers of animation in film. It offers a fascinating and in-depth look at their passionate drive to experiment, the techniques and strategies they developed, and their place in the wider canon of film and animation history. Starting with Lotte Reiniger’s early silhouette puppets, it goes on to cover Len Lye’s use of the new medium of colour film, Oskar Fischinger’s art of visual music, the special effects conjured by Karel Zeman, and the highly expressive techniques developed by Norman McLaren.

Author Yi Soojung, Jung Heera (Eds.)
Language CZ, KR
Publisher Mmca
Pages 140
Published 2021
Height 29,80 cm
Width 21,50 cm