Název ISBN Sklad
Nečekané dědictví / Šíma, Štyrský, Toyen, Zrzavý 9788070355527 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
kolektiv autorů Lucie Vidmar National Gallery Prague CZ, EN 163 2014 21,10 cm 13,30 cm
380 Kč incl. VAT
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In 2010 The National Gallery of Prague gained an unexpected heritage including more than twenty works of significant authors of modernism art. The unique set of art pieces comes from the collection of MUDr. et RNDr. Alena Zizková-Lindl (1926-2009). National Gallery of Prague decided to make an exhibition not only because of its uniqueness, but also to show a respect to the Maecenas act. The unexpected heritage, containing paintings and works on paper is coherent in its content, showing collector's interest in authors connected with France. Among them it is surrealists Toyen and Jindrich Styrsky, Josef Sima, Jan Matulka, painter of Brittany Jan Zrzavy, Rudolf Kremlicka, Frantisek Tichy, Frantisek Muzika and a spanish artist Honorio Garcia Condoy.

Author kolektiv autorů
Translator Lucie Vidmar
Publisher National Gallery Prague
Language CZ, EN
Pages 163
Published 2014
Width 21,10 cm
Height 13,30 cm