Název ISBN Sklad
Negativy z popelnice 1900 – 1945 9788090933200 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Martin Wágner CZ Martin Wágner 308 2024 28,50 cm 25,50 cm
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The book Negatives from the Ashtray 19001945 offers a plunge into the depths of the first half of the 20th century, or eloquent moments rescued from oblivion by photographer and publisher Martin Wágner. The mostly anonymous images were mostly undated, but this did not prevent the compilation of the retrospective. Even the approximate chronology of the reproductions illustrates the former way of life. In retrospect, the originally private monuments become super-personal symbols of the fate of the inhabitants of Central Europe. Josef Moucha wrote the foreword to the 211 images. Placing the photographs in their historical context leaves room for individual interpretation. 

Author Martin Wágner
Language CZ
Publisher Martin Wágner
Pages 308
Published 2024
Height 28,50 cm
Width 25,50 cm