Název ISBN Sklad
Netsuke 2 1
Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Arnoldsche DE 288+414 2000 23 cm 30 cm
490 Kč incl. VAT
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Netsuke Masterpieces form The Trumpf Collection. Second volume

Originally used as decorations for men's belts Netsuke have formed the interest of collectors since the 19th century and soon turned into sought-after collector's items. Focuses of the design were legendary figures, religious characters as well as exotic animals.

The technical precision is unparalleled in its execution of the different materials: Ivory, horn, corals and many more. Famous artists such as Yoshimura Shûzan (1700 - 1773) or Ohara Mitsuhiro (1810 - 1878) affected this art form considerably with their masterpieces.

Publisher Arnoldsche
Language DE
Pages 288+414
Published 2000
Width 23 cm
Height 30 cm