Název ISBN Sklad
Obchodná 9788088805144 0
Author Translator Publisher Pages Published Width Height
L'ubo Stacho Michael Frontczak Vydavatelstvo O. K. O. 398 2014 28 cm 22 cm
1 260 Kč incl. VAT
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About thirty years ago, L'ubo Stacho started visiting Obchodná in Bratislava to photograph shop windows. It was just for the sake of doing it, and he had no specific plan. This book is more than photographs of shop windows in one street in Bratislava. It's also historic or sociological study. 

He got interested in the photographs of a rapid succession of dying Soviet leaders, framed in slogans the window dressers used to express the city's loyalty to the Communism Party and to state socialism's ideals. After the 1989 revolution, the shops for green groceries, meats, jewellery and clothing were joined by McDonalds, Juwel, and Bagel&Coffee. Slogans like "The Communist Party of Czechoslovakia leads us to better physical education, sport and hill-walking" were replaced by new watchwords: "Clearance sale" and "Everythign 50% off". Stacho kept right on documenting. In doing so, he drex a "map of the world" - a world forming a generation of the transition from state socialism to capitalism, and a map telling us more of the era that many a historic or sociological study.

Author L'ubo Stacho
Translator Michael Frontczak
Publisher Vydavatelstvo O. K. O.
Pages 398
Published 2014
Width 28 cm
Height 22 cm