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PETRA SKOUPILOVÁ: MÓDNÍ FOTOGRAFIE 1975 – 2003 9788071012337 2
Author Language Publisher Pages Published Height Width
Helena Jarošová, Pavel Vančát CZ Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze 200 2024 33,70 cm 24,50 cm
855 Kč incl. VAT, NOTE: The price will change according to local VAT in EU countries
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Both photography and fashion have a comfortable position in today's art and industrial museums, built up over decades. However, their mutual intersection, i.e. fashion photography (and even applied photography in general), does not yet fit into the canon of autonomous photographic production, which does not allow us to examine fashion photography in a broader context. Petra Skoupilová (1944-2023), in addition to her free photographic work (summarized twenty years ago in the publication Petra Skoupilová: Ženy s textem Anny Fárové), she established herself as one of the few Czech fashion photographers from the late 1970s onwards. Her rich body of work shows the unique and difficult journey of an emancipated and purposeful professional woman in the turbulent times of our recent history, but it also provides a concentrated view of the hitherto little-mapped history of Czech fashion over the last half-century.

Author Helena Jarošová, Pavel Vančát
Language CZ
Publisher Uměleckoprůmyslové museum v Praze
Pages 200
Published 2024
Height 33,70 cm
Width 24,50 cm