Název ISBN Sklad
Pižďuchové / The Pizh'duks 9788087596234 0
Author Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height Book design Binding type
Petr Stančík Meander CZ 128 2013 14,50 cm 21 cm Zdeněk Ziegler (typografie) V8
298 Kč incl. VAT
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The only book for children written by playwright and dissident Václav Havel, illustrated by his friend and great artist, Jiří Sopko.

Václav Havel has alwas been saying that he could not write a story for children. First because he is not able to, second because he can not pronounce the consonant „r“ well and the fairy tales are full of drrragons, prrrincesses, wizarrrds, dwarrrrves etc, and third because he has no time – he has to roll the beer barrels in the brewery. In the end he found the perfect solution, because he invented a character whose name does not include „r“. The Pizhduks in the book are wonderfully drawn by Václav Havel’s friend and great artist, Jiří Sopko.

Author Petr Stančík
Publisher Meander
Language CZ
Pages 128
Published 2013
Width 14,50 cm
Height 21 cm
Book design Zdeněk Ziegler (typografie)
Binding type V8