Název ISBN Sklad
Příběh Veletržního paláce 9788070355480 0
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Radomíra Sedláková Lubomír Sedlák National Gallery Prague CZ, EN 154 2014 25,80 cm 21,80 cm
150 Kč incl. VAT
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Veletržní Palace was constructed between 1925 and 1928 as the first large functionalist building in Prague and the first part of a planned trade fair complex. In 1974 it was destroyed by fire and during following years it wasn't quite clear what to do with its remains.  In 1979, it was finally decided that the building would be reconstructed for the Gallery of Modern Art.

The book is packed with rare photos and plans with an summary in English language. It presents history of the building. Its past, present and future.

Author Radomíra Sedláková
Translator Lubomír Sedlák
Publisher National Gallery Prague
Language CZ, EN
Pages 154
Published 2014
Width 25,80 cm
Height 21,80 cm