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- Sv. Wolfgang
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- Sv. Wolfgang
Sv. Wolfgang
The central theme of this publication is the worship of St Wolfgang in Chudenice. At first glance, this may seem to be a rather narrow and regional topic, and perhaps that is why the authors have tried to point out the wider context. By placing the Chudenice case in a broader context, it is possible to understand the development in Chudenice itself more vividly and at the same time to see the Chudenice case as a kind of model. It is also about the role of the landscape as the proverbial "historical stage": in this case, it is the often-mentioned palimpsest, where new landscapes "rewrite" older ones, but never completely and without traces. In today's Chudenicko landscape, we can see traces of the sacred landscape associated with the cult of St. Wolfgang (i.e. the pilgrimage site itself and its immediate surroundings, with the Šlépěj chapel and St. Wolfgang's bed), as well as the individual stages of transformation of the composed landscape, both from the time of the pilgrimage site's existence (the 18th century) and later. The aforementioned Bolfánek, a lookout tower that visually dominates the surroundings, is a symbol of this.