Název ISBN Sklad
Time machine. Astronomical Clock Guide 9788087109311 3
Author Translator Publisher Language Pages Published Width Height
Jan Žáček Jana Tarabová, Karel Kosman Havlíček Brain Team CZ 159 2012 20,20 cm 28,20 cm
490 Kč incl. VAT
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Time machine - Astronomical clock guide presents the history of the Old town's Time machine through text and many photographs.

The book Time machine - guide through the Prague Astronomical Clock is understood as an original project. Knowledgeable text that describes each part of the Astronomical Closk and historical events related to it, is perfectly complemented by pictures of this unique monument from Tomáš Souček, as well as by moody paintings at the beginning of the book from Dušan Tománek. The graphic design of the book presents it as a "machine" and deliberately uses technological elements of printing and bookbinding which normally remain hidden.

Author Jan Žáček
Translator Jana Tarabová, Karel Kosman
Publisher Havlíček Brain Team
Language CZ
Pages 159
Published 2012
Width 20,20 cm
Height 28,20 cm