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- Published by K-A-V-K-A
- Published - 2022
KAVKA books - Published - 2022

K-A-V-K-A also runs a small publishing house.
We are interested in books on art and aesthetics, author's books and children's books. We don't spill dozens of titles a year. However, if we come across an interesting work of art or a literary text and we feel that it could appeal to the others, we publish it. Working on books is often time-consuming and demanding on organizing and before such a book is published we usually spend a year working on it.

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In stock
650 Kč
Special offer -35%

Milan Pitlach – Kniha textů /eseje o umění/
In stock
273 Kč
420 Kč
Special offer -35%

Jan Jedlička: Spiriti / Spirits
In stock
293 Kč
450 Kč

Joe Hloucha - Pavilon hrůzy
Not in stock
430 Kč

Not in stock
390 Kč
Special offer -10%

Mingei - Lidové umění a řemeslo v Japonsku
Rating value is 5 of 5
In stock
1 160 Kč
1 290 Kč
Special offer -15%

Jiří Šalamoun: Básně všechny a jedno leporelo 1978–2021
In stock
297 Kč
350 Kč

Jiřina Žertová: Not only glass
Not in stock
891 Kč
990 Kč