Terms & Conditions
Price & Tax
For your convenience we have provided a calculation facility in your shopping bag - simply select the country destination for your order and we will calculate the shipping price and Value Added Tax. Please note that VAT is calculated during check out and is included only if the destination country indicated on the shipping address requires it (European Union).
Your local import duties may be payable on receipt.
If you are not satisfied with your purchase you can return it for any reason within the time period of two weeks. The money will be refunded if client delivers the goods in the original condition to our address:
K-A-V-K-A knižní a výtvarná kultura s. r. o.
Kamenická 544/21
17000 Praha 7
Czech republic
The cost of returning the goods is paid by the customer.
Orders are processed as they arrive.
The automatic order confirmation means that the order was accepted but it does not confirm that the book is available. We will send you a confirmation after checking the actual state of the warehouse.
In the Czech Republic, we send books either as “Cash on Delivery“ or after payment is received to our PayPal account.
For delivery abroad we accept orders only after payment is received to bank account or PayPal account. Shipping starts when when the exact sum in CZK is received. Extra currency exchange fees are paid by the customer.
There is a wait of three to five business days for the package to be delivered in Czech Republic and one to two weeks for international orders.
The on-line shop collects the customers‘ personal information in order to identify the client in the postal and payment systems. The data is protected as confidential and will not be provided to any third parties.
Any legitimate complaint will be dealt with according to the Commercial Code.
K-A-V-K-A knižní a výtvarná kultura s. r. o.
Kamenická 544/21
17000 Praha 7
Czech Republic
Reg. No. 02905272