Název ISBN Sklad
Louis I Kahn 9781838663049 0
Autor Jazyk Nakladatel Počet stran Rok vydání
Robert McCarter EN Phaidon 528 2022
Výška Šířka Váha
31,20 cm 24,50 cm 2.4kg
4 290 Kč s DPH, Upozornění: Pro zasílání do EU se cena změní podle DPH cílové země
Není skladem

Obsáhlá monografie architekta Louise Kahna v angličtině.

A thoroughly updated and redesigned edition of McCarter’s esteemed monograph on the globally-revered modern master – includes Roosevelt Island, Four Freedoms Park, which was completed after Kahn's death

The significance of the work of Louis I Kahn, one of the greatest influences on post-WWII world architecture, has skyrocketed in the twenty-first century. Robert McCarter’s bestselling and critically-acclaimed monograph explains how Kahn redefined Modern architecture and why his work remains a fundamental source for architects and designers today. Now thoughtfully updated, this comprehensive and extensively illustrated overview features both built and unbuilt projects, including Yale University Art Gallery, Kimbell Art Museum, and the Salk Institute, along with his work in India and Bangladesh, as well as a project realized forty years after Kahn’s death – New York City’s Four Freedoms Park. 

Obálka knihy je mírně vybledlá.

Autor Robert McCarter
Jazyk EN
Nakladatel Phaidon
Počet stran 528
Rok vydání 2022
Výška 31,20 cm
Šířka 24,50 cm