Název ISBN Sklad
Mies in Brno – Tugendhat House 1
Autor Grafická úprava Jazyk Nakladatel Počet stran Překladatel Rok vydání
Iveta Černá, Dagmar Černoušková (eds.) Milena Havlickova - Atelier Zidlicky EN Muzeum města Brna 328 Stephan von Pohl 2018
Výška Šířka Váha
27 cm 23 cm 2kg
1 490 Kč s DPH

Monografie Mies v Brně. Vila Tugendhat / Mies in Brno. The Tugendhat House je první obsáhlou prací o historii této proslulé ikony světové moderní architektury, a to od jejího vzniku až po obnovu a restauraci v letech 2010–2012. Vyšla na sklonku roku 2012 jako první publikace z ediční řady Studijního a dokumentačního centra ve vile Tugendhat.

Grete and Fritz Tugendhat's house was designed in 1928-1929 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, one of the most distinguished architects of the twentieth century. The house is quite exceptional for its construction, spatial arrangement, interior furnishing, interaction with the garden and use of technical facilities. The importance of this unique work of art for the history of modern architecture was proclaimed in 2001 with its inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The Tugendhat House was built in multicultural Brno, which played a leading role in European modern architecture in the period between the two world wars. The house's enlightened owners, however, did not long derive pleasure from it. After 1938, when the Tugendhats abandoned Brno ahead of the coming Nazism, the building's function was transformed along with the dramatic historical events in the area where it stands. After many decades of indifference, it gained the attention it deserved only after the revolution of 1989.

The monograph Mies in Brno. Tugendhat House - now in its second, expanded edition - is the first comprehensive work about the history of this celebrated icon of modern architecture, from its origins up to its renovation and restoration in 2010-2012. It presents not only well-known facts about the building but also a range of new information which has so far not been published. The book loosely follows on from the ambitious publication projects tracing Ludwig Mies van der Rohe's work in the USA and Germany (Mies in America and Mies in Berlin).

Autor Iveta Černá, Dagmar Černoušková (eds.)
Grafická úprava Milena Havlickova - Atelier Zidlicky
Jazyk EN
Nakladatel Muzeum města Brna
Počet stran 328
Překladatel Stephan von Pohl
Rok vydání 2018
Výška 27 cm
Šířka 23 cm